The past 2 years have been unprecedented in many ways but will never be forgotten for the upheaval and loss created by what might become known as the Great Pandemic of the 21st Century.
At the time of writing over 283 million Coronavirus cases worldwide and 5.4 million deaths are attributed to COVID-19. Not just the tragic loss endured by families all over the world, the impact has been far wider – mental health, loneliness, financial survival of families and businesses, the grieving and sadness for those lost, and those left behind.
It’s impossible to turn the page on 2021 without reference to the one thing that has probably changed our lives forever and continues to do so as we see the Omicron strain driving up cases worldwide and another wave of disruption.

Throughout the history of humankind, adversity has always stimulated heroism - the medical professions on the front line stepping up each day under often extreme circumstances fulfilling their oath. The emergency responders, to the essential workers doing their duty in pharmacies, shops, and restaurants. The families and loved ones doing what they can to support those lonely in isolation or distanced. For the communities who have rallied around to support each other during these unprecedented times.
Holding people, organizations, and even countries to account is a growing and important theme around the world. Throughout the news over the past 12 months, we have seen stories where this is and should be the case. We hope for justice for all. We hope for accountability for all. We hope that we can make this a better world, together – we cannot do this alone and we need people to unite, leaders to lead, and organizations to do the right thing.
In 2021, 4xi released Sustainability Simplified 2.0 wrapped around the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact – a framework of commitments to make the world a better place across the headings of Human Rights, Labor, the Environment, and Anti-Corruption.
Under these headings of guiding principles, we can operate in a way that ensures a commitment to doing the right thing as it is always the right thing to do, no matter where, or when, but always.
The world has changed
As the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus once said, “Change is the only constant in life” and never before have those words been truer. As we think about 4xi’s focus on the Human Experience for those away from home, at work, in education, in care, at rest, or at leisure, experience matters more than ever before.
It’s highly unlikely we will ever return to a full pre-pandemic state. We have embraced video conferencing, remote working. The gig economy is thriving which suits both organizations reluctant to increase permanent headcount, and workers who have become accustomed to the newfound flexibility of working from anywhere. The often pointless and wasted time of the 3-hour commute, flying from one side of a continent to another for a 3-hour business meeting is now quite rightly questioned and challenged. The norm of working for one employer versus multiple doing the things that you love and excel at makes more sense than the opposite.

I go back to my learnings in management training and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and think about how during these times that these learnings are more relevant than ever before.
We are built to adapt, that’s how we have survived, and that is how we will continue into the future.
Experience Matters!
Whether the Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience (EX), the experience matters. Now is the time for organizations to double down and invest in Experience as a Strategy and no longer just the icing on the cake but a fundamental essential of any organization's business strategy.
Today, people have more choice, and competing on the product (or service) alone is no longer enough. It’s those organizations that understand, embrace, and invest in advancing the experience are the ones that will be the most successful into 2022 and beyond.

Design for Life
As an extension to experience is how we Design for Life. For years we have talked about balance or integration but today is about a seamless existence between the physical space, virtual, and the experience, no matter where you may be.
Safety, confidence, and comfort have shot up the list over the past 24 months but so has the magnetization of the physical space too. The importance of the overall quality of experience, the amenities offered, the opportunities to connect, collaborate, engage as a community may be rarer than before and now more important than ever.

As we turn the page on 2021, we are filled with optimism. We are thankful for humanity's will to survive no matter the level of adversity.
We pray for those who have suffered and continue to do so.
We are eternally grateful for all those heroes out there that put themselves in the way of risk to protect others.
We are thankful for all that we have and share goodwill with our fellow humans whenever we can.
We hope that those who break with what’s right are held fully to account.
Finally, we pray for peace around the world and for us to harness our energies together to tackle the real things that matter, for our futures, our children’s futures, all together, as one.
Onward to 2022!

Simon Elliot is Managing Partner and Co-founder of 4xi Global Consulting & Solutions. 4xi is focused on advancing the Human Experience (HX) for people no matter where they may be - at work, in education, in care, at rest, or at leisure.
To learn more about 4xi, you can contact Simon directly at simonelliot@4xiconsulting.com
4xi: Inspiring a brighter future, together.

4xi Global Consulting & Solutions is a team of talented leaders from both the client-side and service provider side creating an impact in the Human Experience (HX) for people at work, in education, rest, and at leisure.
We believe in a people-first, experience-led philosophy, whether client, employee, or guest – their experience is the fundamental foundation of success.
We work with corporations, service providers, and innovators:
Strategic Advisory
Amenities, Design & Operations
Customer Experience (CX)
Training & Development
Strategic Partnership & Growth
Solutions & Support
Our Strength is in the Power of Our Collective.
4xi is proud to be Chair of WORKTECH Academy for North America and a member of its Leadership Advisory Board. 4xi is a Global Ambassador for WORKTECH Academy.
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