During a recent client call, I was asked, “Where did all the people go?”. In context, they were referring to the drastic shortage of workers in the hospitality industry.
I scratched my head for a moment, as, of course, I had heard reference to the expression, The Great Resignation, but although I understood the concept, I couldn’t fully explain the why.
Ever curious, this is my attempt to shed some light on that answer.
You only have to take a walk down your local high street or shopping mall to see the myriad of “We Are Hiring” signs adorned on shop and restaurant windows.
Recently on a visit to my local pharmacy, a handwritten sign said, “Sorry Closed: Short Staffed.” I was in New York observing an overworked, over-stressed bartender at the hotel, sharing with me that he was going to resign that week due to a lack of staff.
He told me that he was doing the work of three, every shift, with no relief in sight. He was, as perhaps are many, facing ‘burn-out.’
This article goes through some of our findings and observations as many struggle to understand and address the Great Resignation, and how to keep doors open and satisfied employees and customers.
Flick through our magazine version below, or email hello@4xiconsulting.com, and we'll send you your own PDF version.

Data, Research & Reports: If you have an unanswered question or you want to dive deep and research a specific topic, market, or business opportunity, 4xi has a range of solutions, including data ingestion, analysis, and reporting. By analyzing your global property portfolio across different metro markets, labor data and statistics, cost of living, cost of hiring, and such things as retail food pricing indices, 4xi can meet your needs.

Simon Elliot is Managing Partner and co-founder of 4xi Global Consulting & Solutions and is focused on a people-first approach to enable optimum Human Experiences for people away from home: at work, in education, at rest, or at leisure.
Simon believes that Experience Matters! applies in many different ways and is the fundamental foundation of a successful business, no matter the business.
Simon is a global citizen, having lived, worked, and traveled to over 45 countries and six continents, and believes in the power of human potential. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors, a Member of the Institute of Leadership & Management, and North America Chair of the WORKTECH Academy. Simon lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Tony Johnson is 4xi’s Chief Experience Officer and leader of the Evolving Experiences© practice. Before joining 4xi, he was the Customer Service Officer for Aramark. Tony is a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP), award-winning speaker, and globally recognized employee and customer experience expert.
He is the author of 3 books on leadership and customer experience and hosts an industry-leading weekly podcast. directions.
4xi Global Consulting & Solutions is a team of talented leaders from both the client-side and service provider side, impacting the Human Experience (HX) for people at work, in education, rest, and at leisure.
We believe in a people-first, experience-led philosophy. Whether client, employee, or guest – their experience is the fundamental foundation of success.

We work with corporations, service providers, and innovators:
Strategic Advisory & Special Projects (SPx)
Headquarters Fractional Support On-Demand
Evolving Experiences© - Employee (EX) & Customer Experience (CX)
Design4Life©: Environmental, Physical, and Experiential Design
Global Amenities Strategy, Design & Operations
TRUE NORTH©: Strategic Partnership & Growth
Explorers Innovation Directory: Gateway to Innovation
Sustainability Simplified©: Supply Chain & Innovation
Market Research Reports & Benchmarking
4xi is proud to be Chair of WORKTECH Academy for North America and a member of its Leadership Advisory Board. 4xi is a Global Ambassador for WORKTECH Academy.
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