Today almost any discussion concerning corporate campuses and facilities quickly moves from the physical building and campus to the services and amenities being offered.
Now more than ever just as much effort and thought is going into the services and amenities being offered on campus as there is in the actual design, restructuring or managing of campus space. The focus on the Workplace Experience and improving it is critical to any company’s success.
Today you want to have a vision for your corporate campus that seamlessly melds the physical space with the services and amenities you offer. It is not enough to design world-class, award-winning structures. The campus needs a vision for top-tier services that reflect your company, culture, values, and goals as well as your clients.
With 5 generations in the workforce, hybrid workforces, increased remote workers, employees expect much more than a desk a laptop and a pen when they are in the office.
Building out a Work Place Experience strategy that engages your employees and keeps you competitive is no easy task. Amenities and services that were nice to have 10 years ago in many cases today are table stakes. The expectations and diversity in today's workforce requires a true understanding of market trends, employee needs, and company goals.
Building out or improving the Workplace Experience (WPX) can be overwhelming to start there is a lot to think about getting started requires a lot of visualization. The days of just upgrading your cafe, subsidizing programs, adding some perks and everyone is happy are far gone. You need to think about creating a world-class WPX in a more dynamic, comprehensive way.
Before you even start here are just a few questions you want to think about:
What are your goals in building out your services strategy?
What is the value proposition, how do I develop a budget?
How will your plan align with your company values and culture?
How will your strategy impact the Employee and Client experience?
How do I involve key stakeholders?
How do I benchmark against the market and where do we want to position ourselves? (improve but not matched to market - competitive or leading/ disruptive)
What is our stance on coming into the workspace in the post-COVID era?
And most importantly who is the responsible party that will put this all together?
There is a lot to think about before you can even get started, but the work is worth it, successfully implementing a services and amenities strategy, will net positive improvement in the WPX for your company. You will see improvements in productivity, collaboration, recruiting, retention and the general well being of your teams.
Nothing is more rewarding than creating a workplace environment that energizes, motivates and inspires the workforce.
Being able to work with innovative industry thought leaders helping companies build world class Employee and Client experiences was the driving force in my joining 4xi Global Consulting. As a collective, with you we can accomplish so much.
Over the next few weeks I look forward to expanding on these thoughts as we embark on this journey together.

John Schmidt
Corporate Strategy & Workplace Experience
4xi Global Consulting
Global amenity services and operations, transforming the work experience, and leveraging the 4xi strategic and tactical network.
You can contact John directly at john@4xiconsulting.com or learn more about John by reading his bio.
4xi Global Consulting & Solutions is a team of talented leaders from both the client-side and service provider side, impacting the Human Experience (HX) for people at work, in education, rest, and at leisure.
We believe in a people-first, experience-led philosophy. Whether client, employee, or guest – their experience is the fundamental foundation of success.
We work with corporations, service providers, and innovators:
Strategic Advisory & Special Projects (SPx)
Headquarters Fractional Support On-Demand
Evolving Experiences© - Employee (EX) & Customer Experience (CX)
Design4Life©: Environmental, Physical, and Experiential Design
Global Amenities Strategy, Design & Operations
TRUE NORTH©: Strategic Partnership & Growth
Sustainability Simplified©: Supply Chain & Innovation
Market Research Reports & Benchmarking
Project Management Office
Food Craft Culinary Consulting
CREATE. : Graphic Design and Creative Services
DATAxi: Data Ingestion and Visualization
Explorers Innovation Directory: Gateway to Innovation
4xi is proud to be Chair of WORKTECH Academy for North America and a member of its Leadership Advisory Board. 4xi is a Global Ambassador for WORKTECH Academy.
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